Wednesday, October 27th - Wednesday dismissal times, 1:15pm all day PreK, 1:30pm grades K-8th
Thursday, October 28th - Unity Day - wear orange to school
Friday, October 29th - Class Halloween Parties, 12:45pm Halloween Parade
Monday, November 1st - All Saints Day 8:30 mass. No student mass 11/2
Friday, November 5th- Holy Fire
End of 1st Trimester
Thursday, November 11th - Veterans Day Celebration. See Flyer
Sunday, November 14th- 12th Annual Gayle Photikarm Blood Drive See Flyer
Wednesday, November 17th- Panera Family Food Night. See Flyer
Newsletter from Principal Julie Martin
Please see the attached Weekly Newsletter from Mrs. Martin.
Trunk or Treat Thank You!
Thank you to our families for your participation in this weekends Trunk-or-Treat! Special thank you to the families that were so creative with their trunk designs and to our committee chairs Mrs. Pavlatos and Mrs. Badus, to our PSAB co-presidents Mrs. De Los Santos and Mrs. Spencer, also Mrs. DeVoll and to all that volunteered at the event. What a wonderful evening thank you to all!
Thursday, October 28th Unity Day
October was designated as National Bullying Prevention Month. Unity Day is one of these campaigns. It has been held annually since 2011.
This special day was created to unite all people in schools, communities and online against bulling. Students can express their support by wearing orange. The color orange was chosen to represent Unity Day because it is described as vibrant, warm and inviting, and is commonly associated with safety and visibility. Please dress in orange to support Unity on this day.
Extra Candy for Veterans
If you have a Trick-or-Treater that has more candy then they can eat after Halloween. Please donate it for our Veterans that will visit us on November 11th. Treat bags will be made. Please send extra candy to the school office starting Monday, November 1st.
Get Knighted Winners
Congratulations to our "Get Knighted Winners" for the week of October 4th 11th and 18th
Advent Calendars
The Knights of Columbus would like to help you celebrate the holiday tradition of having an Advent Calendar in your home! Please see the attached Advent Calendar Order Form. Orders are due November 5th.
St. Hubert Halloween Celebrati
Weather permitting, our annual Halloween Parade starts at 12:45PM with classroom parties to follow at 1:00PM. The Halloween Parade leaves through the Early Childhood doors and proceeds around the block. In the event of inclement weather, the parade will be moved to the gym. Students in PK-5 may wear costumes to school. No blood, weapons, or masks please. Grades 6-8 may wear a costume or have an out-of-uniform day to school on Halloween.
Halloween Parties
Please do not send goodie bags from home for the classroom. Our room parents are planning a fun party for the students including treats. Please support the classroom and room parents by not sending treat bags this year.
Language Survey Follow up Information
Coming home to some St. Hubert Families is a follow up survey for families who shared that another language besides English is spoken at home. Please take the time to fill this out and return to school no later than Monday, November 1st. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this.
Calendar Updates
Our K-8th Christmas concert has been scheduled for Monday, December 20th at 6:30 in the church.
Also, we will now begin our Christmas break at the end of the day on Wednesday, December 22nd. We will not have school on Thursday, December 23rd in the morning as was originally scheduled. Instead, we will have a half day on Friday, Feb. 11th which was originally scheduled to be a no school day due to professional development.
Gold Day
Thank you to all who participated in Gold Day sponsored by Student Council for Pediatric Cancer Research last Friday. $286 was raised for this great cause!
Extended Care Help Needed
Extended Care is looking for help 1-5 days a week, 2-4 hours a day between 2pm-6pm. Flexible Schedule, must be 18+. Please contact [email protected]