Important Dates:
Sunday, January 30th- Catholic School Week Mass and Open House.
Mon., Jan. 31st- Fri., Feb 4th- Catholic Schools Week Student Days (More info to come)
Saturday, February 5th- Starry Knight Raffle Grand Prize Drawing
Friday, February 11th- No School
Thursday, February 17th- 1/2 Day of School and Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday, February 18th- No School
Monday, February 21st- Presidents Day, No School
Wednesday, February 23rd- 8th Grade Graduation Re-take
Friday, February 25th- End of 2nd Trimester
December 1 - February 28th 2022 - Tax Credit Scholarship Donations 2:1 matching
Newsletter from Principal Julie Martin
Please see the attached Weekly Newsletter from Mrs. Martin.
Sunday, January 30th Open House from 9:00am-9:45am for Current St. Hubert Families
We are so excited to bring back Open House this year! It is most important to us to re-introduce this very special event safely for our families, faculty, and guests. We have made some changes this year in effort to host this event safely. We will be inviting our current families to enjoy Open House with their families from 9:00am-9:45am. This will be your time to enjoy all the great things you have come to enjoy about open house including the Used Uniform Sale! We are asking families to stay together during the open house to avoid children wandering the hallways. Please RSVP to let us know your coming at the following link We hope you will consider joining us for 10am Catholic Schools Week Mass following your visit!
Sunday, January 30th Open House from 11am-1pm for Prospective Families
Please let family, friends, neighbors and co-workers know about St. Hubert School! The best advertising for our school is word of mouth and we appreciate all the great things you share about our school! Please share our open house flyer and let people know that we are having an open house for prospective families this Sunday, January 30th from 11am-1pm. Safety protocols will be in place and all of our families will have a guided tour.
Catholic Schools Week Days!
As a long tradition we celebrate Catholic Schools Week with special days for the students! A fun week ahead is planned:
Monday-Celebrating Our Students PJ, popcorn and Movie Day, Tuesday-Celebrating Our Community Spirit Wear Free choice in classroom, Wednesday-Celebrating our Nation and Parents, Celebrate Diversity -Dress in color(s) that represent your family’s heritage. Feel free to bring in a cultural artifact that depicts your family heritage., Thursday-Celebrating Vocations Crazy Hair Day/Backwards Day Write a Thank you to Fr. Mike, Deacon Allen, Deacon Steve, Deacon Larry, Friday-Thanks to our Faculty and Staff, Wear favorite sports team clothes or colors Hot Dog Day and Raffle Assembly 9:00. Please see attached flyer
Starry Knight Raffle Reminder
We are excited as our Starry Knight Raffle approaches! As a reminder, we asked for everyone’s help this year to make this fundraising event successful for our students at St. Hubert School. In November we asked that every family sell 12 tickets at $20 each by February 1st. Families who submit their $240 ticket sales on or before school dismissal on January 31, 2022 will be entered into an early bird drawing for a chance to win $500! In addition, every child that brings in their sold raffle tickets will receive an out of uniform day coupon book for 5 out of uniform days during a specified time period. Please note that if you prefer not to sell the tickets, the equivalent amount of $240 will be added to your March 2021 tuition payment. The winning ticket—either $5,000 or free one student tuition for the 2022- 2023 school year—will be drawn on Saturday, February 5th. We are so grateful for your continued support of St. Hubert Catholic School and the significant sacrifices that you make to invest in Catholic Education. Educating your children is our privilege and a blessing.
Starry Knight Raffle Early Bird $500 Drawing
Back again this year families who submit their $240 ticket sales on or before January 31, 2022 will be entered into an early bird drawing for a chance to win $500! Winner will be re-entered for the Grand Prize Drawing!
It is that time of year again...... Time for the famous Hot Dog Day and Raffle!
For new families, let us explain...... We are celebrating Catholic Schools Week, January 30th –February 4th, at St. Hubert Catholic School. The last day of this week will be celebrated with Hot Dog Day. This means that on Friday, February 4 th your child/children will get a complimentary hot dog lunch with chips, treats, water or choice of 1% Milk, Skim Milk or Chocolate Milk. Raffle prizes are sponsored by PSAB. The children will have the opportunity to try to win all raffle prizes! ALL St. Hubert students are invited to participate. This is always a fun event and one PSAB looks forward to every year. Please see the following ticket order form for additional information
Please note only hot dog lunches will be served on Friday, February 4th. There will be no other hot or cold lunch available.
From the School Office
COVID IMMUNIZATIONS If your child has had both covid immunizations, please make a copy of the card and send it to the office.
RE-REGISTRATION FOR 2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR FOR SIBLINGS NOT IN SCHOOL AS OF THIS YEAR: Please email Mrs. Swick [email protected] if you need a registration form sent to you.
CURRENT FAMILIES IN SCHOOL We will do re-registration in the spring.
Camp Invention
Join us again this summer for Camp Invention! See the attached flyer for additional information.
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