Wednesday, November 24th- No School
November 24th-26th- Thanksgiving Break
Thursday, December 2nd- 6th Grade DARE Graduation
Friday, December 3rd- Out-of-Uniform to celebrate food drive donation success!
Wednesday, December 8th- Panda Express Family Food Night
December 8th-10th- Santa Sale
Saturday, December 11th Early Childhood Winter Wonderland event with Santa 10am-11:30am - Save the date. More info to come.
Newsletter from Principal Julie Martin
Please see the attached Weekly Newsletter from Mrs. Martin.
Pick Up Reminders
As we enter the Winter season and the chance of wet and snowy weather at dismissal time it is even more important that the children do not run across the parking lot to get to their car at dismissal. Parents or guardians need to leave their vehicle and meet their child near the sidewalk area to ensure that we do not have any children in danger during this busy time.
Thanks so much for your cooperation.
Congratulations to our "Get Knighted" students
The students came together at the end of the day today to celebrate all of the ways that they Impacted the World Through Christ practicing the virtues of compassion, perseverance, and service. In addition to some fun activities led by our Student Council, and Navaeh H reading her winning Patriot's Pen essay, the following students were "knighted" by Mrs. Martin for their continued Knightly Behavior throughout the 1st Trimester!
Congratulations to:
Preschoolers: Matthew G. and Jamie B
Kindergarteners: Ava T, and Michael S.
1st Graders: Camila D and Zavier F
2nd Graders: Rebecca G. and Kinah C,
3rd Graders: Victor M. and Connor M.
4th Graders: Milena D. and Andros A.
5th Graders: Amanda C. and Emmett P.
6th Graders: John G. and Shea P.
7th Graders: Ben D. and Xander S
8th Graders: Bella B. and AJ M.
Keep up the great "Knightly" work everyone!!
Patriots Pen Winner
Patriot’s Pen is a student essay competition hosted by the Veterans of Foreign War or VFW. The theme is always patriotic and changes annually. This year’s theme is “How Can I Be a Good American?” Thousands of students participated in this contest, including our own 8th graders! The essay is judged by the VFW on knowledge of the theme, theme development and clarity of ideas. It must be between 300-400 words in length. We are proud to announce that Nevaeh Hardebeck is the VFW winner! Congratulations Nevaeh!
Please remember if you travel out of state this week, a covid test is only needed for unvaccinated students who travel to an orange state. If your student is fully vaccinated and/or travel to a non-orange state they do not need a covid test to return to school on Monday the 29th. Please send results or proof of vaccination to [email protected] Have a Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving.
Veterans Day Pictures
Thank you to everyone who attended our Veterans Day celebration! To see pictures, visit the following link:
Celebrate the Holidays with St. Hubert School
We are looking forward to our upcoming Christmas performances here at St. Hubert School! On Thursday, December 16th our St. Hubert Junior and Senior Band will be performing in the gym beginning at 6:30PM. Guests are able to attend, however, we ask that only 4 family members be allowed for each band member. This can include family members who do not live in the same household but we ask that only family attend to make contact tracing easier if it is needed.
On Monday, December 20th at 6:30 in the church our Kindergarten through 4th grade students will be singing under the direction of our new Music teacher, Nicole Cooper. Again, we ask that only 4 family members should attend to watch the children sing.
We are hoping to record both events so that others who cannot be in attendance are still able to enjoy these wonderful events.
In addition, St. Hubert School is looking forward to our traditional all school Christmas Bingo activity the afternoon of Wednesday, December 22nd. We will be looking for prizes for the games and are hoping that many of you are able to help donate small prizes for the kids. Thanks in advance for your donations.
Cold Weather is Here
Please remember that even during the cold winter months, all students will continue to have recess outdoors unless the "real feel" is below 20 degrees. Please make sure that your child comes prepared with a hat, gloves, jacket, and boots if needed.
Wednesday, December 8th- Panda Express Family Food Night.
See the following link to learn how you can dine for a great cause!:
Starry Knight Raffle Tickets!
Thanksgiving is soon approaching and many of us will visit with family and friends. Raffle tickets make a great gift and those you visit over the holidays may want to purchase a chance to win cash prizes! Please contact the school office if you would like additional raffle tickets.
Santa Sale, December 8th-10th
We are excited to again host Santa Sale for our students! This is a great way for students to purchase small and inexpensive items for family and friends. More information to come. Please see a preview at the follow link
St. Edward High School Placement Test
St. Edward CCHS will host two Freshman Placement Testing dates on Saturday, December 4, 2021 from 8 a.m. to Noon, and Saturday, January 22, 2022 from 8 a.m. to Noon. To register your 8th grade student for one of these dates, please contact St. Edward HS.
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