Important Dates: Monday, September 6th - Labor Day, No School Friday, September 10th - Grandparents Day - More information to follow Wednesday, September 15th - Parent Drive Day, Pick-Up only Saturday, September 18th - Track-a-Thon, more information to follow Thursday, September 23rd - School Picture Day Friday, September 24th - No School, Teacher in Service Newsletter from Principal Julie Martin Please see the attached Weekly Newsletter from Mrs. Martin. Track-a-Thon "Knight Runners", Saturday, September 18th, Rain Date September 25th Save the date! Come for the run and stay for the fun and enjoy field games, hot dogs, hamburgers, a beer tent, cotton candy, sno-cones, and a lot more! More information will soon follow. Track-a-Thon Sponsors Be a sponsor of this year's Track-a-Thon. Family sponsorships start at $125. Have your family name on the back of our Track-a-Thon shirt! Share the sponsorship with business owners as it is a great way to advertise your business! See the attached Sponsorship Letter for more information. Vaccination Cards This is a reminder to families with students 12 years and older. If your child has received 2 doses of the Covid vaccine, please provide us a copy of the vaccination card when they are fully vaccinated. Thanks so much for your cooperation with this. Student Pick-Up Please make sure all students have an adult standing outside door 38 for pick-up. No students should be walking to the car unattended. Box Tops Program The Box Tops Program has gone digital. You can help raise money for our students and earn out of uniform days by simply scanning your grocery receipt. Download the app today to get started. Still have physical box tops? We will continue to collect those throughout the school year. Please send in all unexpired box tops in a zip-lock bag/envelope. For every $50 raised, the entire school will win an out of uniform day. Amazon Smile Program Did you know, as you shop on Amazon you can also earn money for St. Hubert? The Amazon Smile Foundation will donate .5% of select purchases to St. Hubert. Simply turn on AmazonSmile in your app and select St. Hubert Parish & School Hoffman Estates, IL as your charity. Please see the attached Amazon and Box Tops Flyer From the School Office
Please note that the following forms to the office are past due if you have not already turned them in: Student Information Form, Home Language Survey, Medication Form (if your student requires medication at school) and Health, Vision, and Eye exams for required grades. All forms can be found on our website under backpacks:
If your child will not be in school, please call the office 847-885-7702 and press 0. Please call before 8:00a.m Please tell the office your child's name, room number and the reason he/she will not be in school. If no one is in the office, please leave a detailed message.
Parents Traveling and leaving children with an adult. Please send a note to your child's teacher if you will be traveling and leaving your children with someone else. We will need the dates, the contact person's name and phone number.
Please make sure you send a note anytime your student will not take their normal way home or will be picked up by someone else.
Grandparents Day, Friday, September 10th Please save the date as we celebrate grandparents, parents, and special friends and your role in our students' lives. We are hopeful to have an in-person Grandparents Day, more information to soon follow. From the Lunchroom: Please see the St. Hubert website under backpacks for daily lunch menu 1) Free/Reduced applications are due back now. 2) Beginning September 7th if you did not place an order for lunches then you must send a cold lunch with your student. 3) Due to supply issues the daily lunch may be changed without notice. Please see the attached letter from FSP