Important Dates:
Thursday, December 16th- Winter Band Concert
Monday, December 20th- K-4th Christmas Music Program
- Students Pajama Day to school
Tuesday, December 21st- $1 Out-of-Uniform Day Students bring a dollar for Kentucky relief.
Wednesday, December 22nd- Christmas Parties and Bingo, Christmas Break Starts at End of Day
- Spirit Wear Day and add Christmas accessories or colors!
Monday, January 10th- School Resumes
December 1 - February 28th 2022 - Tax Credit Scholarship Donations 2:1 matching
Newsletter from Principal Julie Martin
Please see the attached Weekly Newsletter from Mrs. Martin.
St. Hubert Christmas Spirit Week
Next week students will have the following special uniform days sponsored by Student Council:
Monday, December 20th- Students Pajama Day to school
Tuesday, December 21st- $1 Out-of-Uniform Day Students bring a dollar for Kentucky relief.
Wednesday, December 22nd- Spirit Wear Day and add Christmas accessories or colors!
Starry Knight Raffle Tickets
Remember that the holidays are a great time to sell Starry Knight Raffle tickets! They make a great gift too. One of our Kindergarten families has already sold over $900 in tickets! Thanks to everyone for your support of St. Hubert School!
Spirit Wear
Blink Tees recently fulfilled any missing or incorrect orders. If you still have a missing or incorrect order please notify Lea De Los Santos at [email protected]
Celebrate the Knight! Saturday, February 5th, 2022
Please Celebrate the Knight with us during our Once a Knight, Always a Knight 60th Celebration on Saturday, February 5th! Tickets on sale now! Visit and see the attached invitation for more information! We can't wait to see you there!
Five Below Fundraiser!
Shop Five Below on Golf Road in Schaumburg between 12/15 and 12/23 and they will give 10% back to the school with the flyer attached. What a great way to give a gift to St. Hubert while doing your holiday shopping! Don't forget Five Below is a great place to pick bingo prizes to donate to our Christmas Bingo Celebration!
Camp Invention
Join us again this summer for Camp Invention! See the attached flyer for additional information.
Keep Christ in Christmas
Back again this year the Knights of Columbus will sponsor a poster contest for K-8th grades. Posters will be made in school and each class will pick one (1) winner and he/she will receive a $10 Target Gift Card!
Help Support St. Hubert with the Purchase of Gift Cards!
SHOPPING MADE EASY WITH GIFT CARDS! 2 Ways to Purchase! Cash or Check (payable to St. Hubert School) only.
1) Complete the order form & return it to the school office, with your payment, no later than Fri. Dec 17th. Limited supply available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Any questions, please contact Trish Nelli in the school office at [email protected] or 847-885-7702, ext 0.
Celebrate the Holidays with St. Hubert School
We are looking forward to our upcoming Christmas performances here at St. Hubert School! On Thursday, December 16th our St. Hubert Junior and Senior Band will be performing in the gym beginning at 6:30PM. Guests are able to attend, however, we ask that only 4 family members be allowed for each band member. This can include family members who do not live in the same household but we ask that only family attend to make contact tracing easier if it is needed.
On Monday, December 20th at 6:30 in the church our Kindergarten through 4th grade students will be singing under the direction of our new Music teacher, Nicole Cooper. Again, we ask that only 4 family members should attend to watch the children sing.
We are hoping to record both events so that others who cannot be in attendance are still able to enjoy these wonderful events.
In addition, St. Hubert School is looking forward to our traditional all school Christmas Bingo activity the afternoon of Wednesday, December 22nd. We will be looking for prizes for the games and are hoping that many of you are able to help donate small prizes for the kids. Thanks in advance for your donations.
Bingo Prizes
St. Hubert School will again celebrate the last day before Christmas break with all school bingo! Please donate prizes $1-$3 for all ages PreK-8th grade for our bingo prize winners. Prizes can be sent anytime now through December 22nd. Thank you for your support!
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