Wednesday, November 3rd - Wednesday dismissal times, 1:15pm all day PreK, 1:30pm grades K-8th
Friday, November 5th- Holy Fire 7th and 8th Grade
End of 1st Trimester
Thursday, November 11th - Veterans Day Celebration. See flyer
Sunday, November 14th- 12th Annual Gayle Photikarm Blood Drive See flyer
Wednesday, November 17th- Panera Family Food Night. See flyer
Newsletter from Principal Julie Martin
Please see the attached Weekly Newsletter from Mrs. Martin.
Extra Candy for Veterans
If you have a Trick-or-Treater that has more candy then they can eat after Halloween. Please donate it for our Veterans that will visit us on November 11th. Treat bags will be made. Please send extra candy to the school office starting Monday, November 1st.
November 1 Dress Code
As a reminder, uniform shorts are no longer permittable after November 1st. Students should now be in uniform pants.
Tardy Policy
As a reminder, arriving promptly at school is important to the start of the school day. Please note the tardy policy:
KINDERGARTEN through THIRD GRADE will receive a check mark on their Behavior Sheet. After 5 checks in a one week period for a tardy they will receive an after school reflection.
FOURTH GRADE through EIGHTH GRADE will receive a check mark for each tardy and after 3 checks in a one week period they will receive a detention to be served after school
Advent Calendars
The Knights of Columbus would like to help you celebrate the holiday tradition of having an Advent Calendar in your home! Please see the attached Advent Calendar Order Form. Orders are due November 5th.
Holy Fire Event
Our 7th and 8th graders will be participating in a virtual Holy Fire event on Friday morning. This is an important piece of their preparation for Confirmation. It is a way to fulfill the mission to bring our young people closer to Jesus and together as one community of missionary disciples. Although virtual the students will be together in the gym involved in an experience that features engaging music, dynamic speakers, and powerful moments of prayer. Please keep our 7th and 8th grade students in your prayers as they celebrate together on Friday.
4th - 8th Grade Children's Choir
Ms. Nicole Cooper, our new music teacher, will be putting together a children's choir to sing at school masses as well as at other events and is looking for interested students to join. She will work with interested students on Fridays during recess in the music room. Please consider joining this group. Ms. Cooper will check in to see who might be interested and will provide more information next week. We are looking at a start date of next Friday, November 12th. We hope to see many of our students participate!
From The Lunchroom
Please see the attached December Hot Lunch Order Form. Hot lunch orders are due back by Wednesday, November 10th.
We have been informed that we will be receiving Hotdogs for lunch on Thursday, November 4th instead of Pizza Crunchers.
Birthday Treats
As per our student handbook, if you are sending classroom treats for a birthday they must be healthy. Cakes, cupcakes, soda and the like are not healthy treats and will not be permitted in the classrooms. Treats must be individually wrapped. If you should have questions regarding this matter, please check with the school office.
Extended Care Help Needed
Extended Care is looking for help 1-5 days a week, 2-4 hours a day between 2pm-6pm. Flexible Schedule, must be 18+. Please contact [email protected]